As we go through these next weeks approaching Shavuot, it should be a time of heartfelt prayer and intercession for each of us. This includes the entire Body of Mashiach, and YHWH’s desire to regather the ‘Whole House of Yisrael’. The following is a prayer that would be a good addition to the prayers we are praying during this time, along with our ‘daily counting of the Omer’. The daily count is not just about counting. It is about ‘transformation’. This is both personal, as well as the ‘corporate manifestation’ of the ‘Whole House of Yisrael’. We know that it is in YHWH’s ‘eternal purpose’ to reunite His House. Like Daniel of old, who found through his reading of Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah, YHWH’s ‘prophetic promise’ to deliver the ‘house of Jewish Yisrael‘ from their punishment of captivity for seventy years in Babylon. He then, took it upon himself to begin to cry out to YHWH, to see that promise fulfilled. He went into prayer and fasting, coupled with teshuvah/repentance to see YHWH do what He had promised through His navi/prophet. Beloved, we too must follow this godly example in this hour today. Let us call out, and remind YHWH of His ‘prophetic promises‘ concerning His Whole House. Let us cry out, for that fulfillment to be given to us in this hour. I believe, if we will, we will see the same results as Daniel did in his day. Our blessed YHWH, our Mighty One, will respond to our prayers too. I challenge you, to use the following prayer often during this time, as we ‘count the Omer‘, and believe YHWH for His ‘promised transformation’. Amein!
YHWH our Elohim…
we come to You, in the Name of our blessed Mashiach Yeshua. Please hear our prayer. Be gracious to us, and bless the Whole House of Yisrael. Lift up the ‘light of Your countenance’ upon us, and show us ‘Your great salvation’. We cry out to You today, to ‘turn our captivity’, the ‘captivity of the Whole House of Yisrael’. Strengthen us, purify us. YOU ALONE ARE THE MIGHTY ONE OF YISRAEL. You know our hearts, and the ‘secrets of our innermost being‘. We call upon You, in all of Your graciousness, and holiness. Blessed be Your Name, and glory of Your Kingdom for ever and ever.
Master of the Universe, You have commanded us to ‘count the Omer’ through Your servant, Moshe. In blessed obedience to Your great Torah, as we count, ‘purify us from evil’, and ‘uncleanness‘. Purify us from ‘argument’, and ‘division‘. Purify us from ‘pride’, and a ‘judgmental spirit’. You have commanded us to ‘count seven full weeks’, and ‘a day‘, so the souls of Your people Yisrael may be delivered, and transformed. That we might again be found worthy to be called Your ‘Am Segulah‘, Your ‘Treasured People’.
Therefore may it be Your will O YHWH, our Mighty One, and the Mighty One of our fathers, in obedience to the Omer we are ‘counting today’: May the ‘Whole House of Yisrael’ be ‘transformed’, and ‘conformed’ to the ‘image of Your Son’, our blessed Mashiach Yeshua. May You quickly be able to bring about the ‘reunion of the Whole House of Yisrael’, the ‘house of Yahudah/Judah’, and the ‘house of Yosef/Ephraim’, in answer to this prayer. May ALL OF YISRAEL be ‘rectified’, and ‘purified’, and ‘made ready again’, to receive our blessed Mashiach Yeshua in order that we may be able to enter into Your blessed Great Shabbat, the Kingdom of the Heavens on earth. May we quickly, and in our day, become ONE nation, ONE house, ONE Kingdom with our M’lekh Mashiach/King Messiah ruling over Yisrael, and the whole earth, in glory from His throne in Yerushalayim/Jerusalem. Amein!