This three part series is an examination of the Scriptural revelation of the three-fold manifestation of YHWH as Av/Father… Ben/Son… and HaRuach HaKodesh/Spirit of Holiness. It is in complete contradistinction to the errant theological doctrine of the church of Christendom’s Trinity doctrine.  Using man-made terminology destroys the majesty of the Mighty One’s TRUE ESSENCE OF UNITY! Only the TRUTH manifest through the application of the HEBRAIC MINDSET can provide the REVELATION of who THE SON, our Adon/Lord Yeshua, REALLY IS!

Beloved, what you are about to read is NOT a mystery. IT IS A DIVINE SECRET! The difference? A mystery is hidden and remains unknowable. A secret is hidden, but can be known if you are provided with the proper elements required to. The proper element needed is available from the One who possesses ALL knowledge of the holy, our heavenly Father. He will transmit that knowledge through a  revelatory process known as the Hebraic Mindset. The key ingredient of this process is released within the reborn human spirit. As one submits themselves to YHWH’s Lordship, He releases the cipher of revelation knowledge through a process known as the anointing. How you know is not as important as the reality THAT YOU KNOW! It is NOT something you do. It is something DONE TO YOU by the indwelling presence of YHWH’s HaRuach HaKodesh/The Spirit of His Holiness!

May our Abba YHWH release His anointing by His HaRuach HaKodesh, the Spirit of His Holiness as you read. May the eyes of your heart be enlightened as your spirit becomes conformed to the image of all Truth: Our Adon/Lord Yeshua. Amein!

Go to part one

 Go to part two

Go to part three